Shui hing ho andi autumn
Shui hing ho andi autumn

Many commented that both should be looking for jobs and some accused Andi of using Etta's status as Jackie Chan's love child to gain sympathy from the actor's fans and the LGBTQ circle.

shui hing ho andi autumn

The couple previously sparked the wrath of many by releasing a YouTube video where they complained about being homeless in Canada since leaving Hong Kong. Selasa, 27 November 2018 19:39 WIB Penulis: Grid Network lihat foto Instagram andiautumn Mengenal Andi Autumn, Wanita Cantik yang Kini Resmi Menikah dengan Anak Jackie Chan TRIBUNNEWS.COM.

shui hing ho andi autumn

Since then, the couple has made the headlines a couple of times due to their strained relationship with Etta’s mother, Hong Kong actress Elaine Ng, as well as their financial struggles. Her rant seemed to answer the questions many had about her pet dog, which had not been seen since Andi left Hong Kong and brought Etta with her to Canada. Etta Ng is currently in a marital relationship with Andi Autumn, an Instagram model of Canadian origin. The estranged daughter of Chinese martial artist Jackie Chan, Etta Ng, tied the knot with Canadian influencer Andi Autumn eight months ago. A small Pomeranian, smart, and gentle, I cannot understand, I can NEVER understand, I CANNOT accept people hurting innocent animals," she added. 9 Oct - Following Etta Ng's confirmation that she is indeed gay, Hong Kong-based Instagram model Andi Autumn recently posted a photo of her with the 18-year-old to express gratitude for all the. She doesn't need mental health care she needs to be locked up in jail. Slamming people who are cruel to animals, she continued, "The person I once called "mother" not only pours hot water on the neighbours cats, put a cat in a dryer, and more, but MY SON is in pain because she pulled his leg out of his socket!"

Shui hing ho andi autumn